Monthly Report for June 2009
No visit for school in this month because of summer holidays.
Speech support group:
Support group meeting conducted 5 times average attendance= 6-7
clinical input-
Anshu (Harsh) was given speech therapy 3 times.(delayed speech and language with cerebral palsy)
Rishika was given speech therapy 2 times.(delayed speech and language with down syndrome)
Shakti was given therapy 2 times.(delayed speech and language with mental retardation)
Amandung was given speech therapy 2 times.(Stammer)
Manoj was given therapy 5 times.(mental retardation)
Subhash was given therapy 7 times.(delayed speech and language with Mental retardation)
Kamini and Kanchan was special schooling 8 times.(visually impairment)
Lakshme was geven special schooling 6 times.( down syndrome)
Anshika was given special schooling 8 times.(slow learner )
Hersh was given speech therapy 4 times.(delayed speech and language with hearing impairment)
Vikas was given speech therapy 7 times.(Miss articulation)
Ishu was given speech therapy 6 times.(delayed speech and language with Autistic feature)
3rd June vijay went to NIVH to bring hearing aid.
6th June vijay went to deharadun for repairing hearing aid.
16th June visit NIVH for Kamani and Kanchan interview for admission.
18th June visit Dakpatthar prathmik school for teacher's Yoga and meditation session.
19th June visit Dakpatthar prathmik school presentation about stammering to a group of teachers.
26th June visit Dakpatthar government school about stammering presentation to a group of teachers.
30th June visit to Bhimawala village awareness campaign and door to door contact. (special help from - Surendra, a local PWS)
Others :
Yoga class continuous during this month.
1st June SIHI went to deharadun with Anil for marketing.
3rd June SIHI goes for trek with GMVN.
10th June SIHI come back from trek.
11th June SIHI has gone to Delhi.
12th June Shri Nitin Tomar came from Delhi with family. He coordinates TISA Delhi chapter.
19th June Ms. Suchitra visited samagra.
27th June closing silai center by Ms. Suchitra Agrawal and Ms. Shanti Juvantha. Certificate distribution and return of safety deposit.
28th June Nishant and Vivek came from Varanasi for 13 days residential stammering speech therapy.